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roddy-bg My name is Radostina Georgieva, "Roddy".
I live in California.
I enjoy travelling, reading books, listening to music, going to the movies.
I am constantly looking for ways to challenge myself, learn, and grow.


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"Death is made redundant because of the way he has been acting human, but he is allowed to keep Binkey the horse. Meanwhile the wizard Windle Poons is looking forward for his death, indeed enjoys it, but rather embarassing sticks around. And he is joined by increasing numbers of the not dead."
"Terry Pratchet" by Andrew M Butler

Rural rituals, employment practices, the undead.

Not a muscle moved on Death's face, because he hadn't got any.


"I remember," said one of the oldest mayflies,"when all this was fields, as far as you could see."
The younger mayflies looked around.
"It's still fields," one of them ventured, after a polite interval.
"I remember when it was better fields," said the old mayfly sharply.


Belief is one of the most powerful organic forces in the multiverse. It may not be able to move mountains, exactly. But it can create someone who can.


Windle shook his head sadly. Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind.


Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it's wrong. No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.


No one was avoiding him, it was just that an apparent random Brownian motion was gently moving everyone away.


"Inside Every Living Person is a Dead Person Waiting to Get Out..."


He said that there was death and taxes, and taxes was worse, because at least death didn't happen to you every year.


"...it took [Ridcully] several minutes to understand any new idea put to him, and this is a very valuable trait in a leader, because anything anyone is still trying to explain to you after two minutes is probably important and anything they give up after a mere minute or so is almost certainly something they shouldn't have been bothering you with in the first place."


They said that dying was just like going to sleep, although of course if you weren't careful bits of you could rot and drop off.


Flitworth:"And your first name? Don't tell me you haven't got one of those too. You've got to be a Bill or a Tom or a Bruce or one of those names."
Death: YES.
Flitworth:"Which one?"


Mrs. Evadne Cake was a medium, verging on small.


The Archchancellor was not the kind of man who takes a special pleasure in being brusque and rude to women. Or, to put it another way, he was brusque and rude to everyone, regardless of sex, which was equality of a sort.


Bursar:"It can't be intelligent, can it?"
Dean:"All it's doing is moving around slowly and eating things."
Ridcully:"Put a pointy hat on it and it'd be a faculty member."


People have believed for hundreds of years that newts in a well mean that the water's fresh and drinkable, and in all that time never asked themselves whether the newts got out to go to the lavatory.


"Me? But I can't stand heights!"
"I thought you could turn into a bat?"
"Yeah, but a very nervous one!"


Ridcully was simple-minded. This doesn't mean stupid. It just meant that he could only think properly about things if he cut away all the complicated bits around the edges.




"What is this thing, anyway?" said the Dean, inspecting the implement in his hands.
"It's called a shovel," said the Senior Wrangler."I've seen the gardeners use them. You stick the sharp end in the ground. Then it gets a bit technical."
