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roddy-bg My name is Radostina Georgieva, "Roddy".
I live in California.
I enjoy travelling, reading books, listening to music, going to the movies.
I am constantly looking for ways to challenge myself, learn, and grow.


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"The rank of the Watch continues to swell, with the addition of Cheery Littlebottom, a dwarf with a secret. And Commander Sir Samual Vimes continues his enforced social climbing by having to visit the Royal College of Heraldry on Mollymog Street to pick up a Vimes coat of arms. Whilst he is there he discovers two things - that his ancestor Stoneface Vimes' execution of the last king of Ankh-Morport means that the Vimes coat of arms has been permanently withdrawn and that Nobby is the descendant of Edwad St John de Nobbes, Earl of Ankh-Morpork. But he barely has time to pay attention to such matters, because someone has poisoned Lord Vetinary. Meanwhile, there have been a number of other murders in the city, apparently involving golems, and this wouldn't be a realistic crime narrative if there wasn't some link between all this."
"Terry Pratchet" by Andrew M Butler

Police procedural.

"Oh, well, if you prefer, I can recognize handwriting," said the imp proudly. "I'm quite advanced."
Vimes pulled out his notebook and held it up."Like this?" he said.
The imp squinted for a moment."Yep," it said."That's handwriting, sure enough. Curly bits, spiky bits, all joined together. Yep. Handwriting. I'd recognize it anywhere."


"I don't think the mascara works," Angua said."The lipstick's fine but the mascara ... I don't think so."
"I think I need practice."
"You sure you want to keep the beard?"
"You don't mean ... shave?" Cheery backed away.
"All right, all right. What about the iron helmet?"
"It belonged to my grandmother!"


Nobby grinned happily in the middle of the crowd. He couldn't remember when he had enjoyed himself so much with all his clothes on.


Rumour is information distilled so finely that it can filter through anything. It does not need doors and windows -- sometimes it doesn't even need people. It can exist free and wild, running from ear to ear without ever touching lips.


It was hard enough to kill a vampire. You could stake them down and turn them into dust and ten years later someone drops a drop of blood in the wrong place and guess who's back? They returned more times than raw broccoli.
